GRID, Union

The site of the building is a kind of enclave located in a transitional area linking a more urban and densely settled and a suburban and partially rural area. In terms of economic composition, the neighborhood is to be characterized by a great number of car dealers/workshops/ and big retailers. The housing in the area is a mix of big housing units and single housing units, which are in proximity.
The municipal statistics show that the average household size in Wandsbek is 1.6 and most of the households (61.2 %) are single households.
The age distribution shows a high ratio of elderly and middle-aged population. Most of them fall into the category of working age people. The unemployment rate is very low.
Consequently, it could be argued that the planned housing units should fit single workers or small worker families‘ needs.
Ideally a workers‘ apartment should be self-owned and governed, eventually supported by a labor union. The management of the apartment should be based on participatory decision making in regularly held assemblies.
The flats are reduced to a minimum size. The serving parts of a flat are narrowed down within two walls, almost becoming walls themselves. They become thickened gridlines. The flats follow a strict grid system which is integrated in the already existing grid of the apartment.
The building has 14 floors. Starting with the ground floor the circulation is guaranteed every third floor. Through that, the strict grid of the flats can be kept. The floors with horizontal circulation are important because they are conceived as communal/collective areas. They interrupt the grid in unique ways: by shifting, by crossing with another grid, by expanding out, by minimizing the grid to the flooring, or by scaling the grid within itself.